January 6, 2014

Time to nominate for MNSWCS awards and scholarships

Minnesota SWCS members,

It is that time of year to honor your colleagues for their conservation work by nominating them for one of the Chapter awards or scholarships. Nominations are due March 1st, 2014.

In addition to the student scholarship, the six awards available are:
Outstanding Service – Awarded to an SWCS member that has ten years or more of service to any state chapter of the SWCS.
Commendation – Awarded to Minnesota Chapter SWCS members for their commendable service to the Minnesota SWCS.
Honor – Awarded to a SWCS member or non-member that has ten years or more of service to any state chapter of the SWCS.
Merit – Awarded to a SWCS member or non-member group, agency, business, product, etc. for accomplishments or contributions to the natural resource field.
News/Media – Awarded for the dedication and promotion of the natural resource issues in the news/media.
Education - Awarded to an individual, group, agency, etc. for their contribution to the conservation education of adults and/or youth.

Nomination forms are on the MN SWCS Chapter website
Or use the following links to go directly to the Student Scholarship Application Form, or the Awards Nomination Form.

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